Xiaomeng Li

Post Address

School of Systems Science,

Beijing Normal University,

Beijing 100875, China



Tel: (86)10-58804138

Fax: (86)10-58807880

E-mail: lixiaomeng@bnu.edu.cn





socio-economic systems analysis; individual behavior in population migration; regional mobility barrier in flow network


  1. Xiaomeng Li, Hongzhong Xu, Jiawei Chen, Qinghua Chen, Jiang Zhang & Zengru Di, Characterizing the International Migration Barriers with a Probabilistic Multilateral Migration Model, Scientific Reports 6, 32522, 2016, DOI: 10.1038/srep32522.(SCI检索)

  2. Xiaomeng Li, Qinghua Chen, Fukang Fang*, Jiang Zhang. Is online education more like the global public goods? Futures, 81, 176-190, 2016(SSCI检索)

  3. Xiaomeng Li, Zhanhong Xin and Jun Wu. The Significance of the Comparative Advantages in Factor Endowment to the Industrial Structure, ICSS 2010. 李小萌,忻展红,要素比较优势的发挥对加速产业增长的意义,北京邮电大学学报(社科版) 11 (4): 61-64, 2009(EI检索)

  4. Li, Xiaomeng; Fang, Fukang, Neural synchronization models and the potential function of phases, Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2008, v 3, p 593-596, 2008(EI检索)

  5. Xiaomeng, Li; Yiming, Ding; Fukang, Fang , A new method to set neural synchronization models, Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Neural Networks and Brain Proceedings, ICNNB’05, v 3, p 1917-1920, 2005(EI检索)

  6. Xiaomeng Li, Lei Zhang, Ping Wang, Kai Guo. The Application of Grade Point Average (GPA) in Mark Scale Management of Joint Sino-British Engineering School. The 2012 International Conference on Social Science and Education (ICSSE 2012) (ISSHP检索)


  1. Xiaomeng Li, Jiawei Chen, Qinghua Chen*, Jiang Zhang. A Transform and Barrier Analysis of the Internal Migration in China, Asian Population Studies. (Under Review).

  2. Xiaomeng Li, Siyu Huang, Jiawei Chen, Qinghua Chen*, Jiang Zhang. Understanding the Recovery of U.S. Internal Population Migration, Mathemetical Population Studies. (Under Review).