Survival analysis and enterprise financial distress analysis


Companies are typical complex systems emerging in human economic activities.Just as organism, companies experience growing up, prosperity and decay in their life cycles. What is the general law that rule the process of lives of enterprises. How do we infer whether a company is healthy or in danger, therefore improving health and avoid death(e.g. bankruptcy) through necessary policies and measures .

Founded in 1987, Huawei is the world’s leading provider of ICT infrastructure and smart terminals. The enterprise, with 32 years of development, concerns about what are the indicators that can represent the best state of the company,and how to manage the indicators to keep the company in best state. Co-operating with Huawei, we try to find an answer of such questions.


(1) Trying to find out the key factors related to company bankruptcy by employing big data analytics, such that a combination of these indicators with proper value range tells whether a company is in good condition.

(2) Creating a corporate portrait from a more broad view,finding out internal factors as well as external factors that able to characterize a company and predict how it devolop.

(3) Predict related values of indicators along time so as to manage them better, such as precasting a potential crisis of a company and adapting itself accordingly


(1) Scale-law in development of enterprise

Scale-law exist in complex system broadly,while in economies a scale-law means various indicator of a company has a power-law growth with standard scale indicator such as employees or assets, and with different power index. In market,a company growing faster than averaged companies is more competing. Thus we define devation and employ it to evaluate a company’s performance.

(2) Survival analysis

Survival analysis is a statistical analysis method which combines survival time and survival probability. The core of the method is to calculate the survival probability of the company. Cox Proportional Hazard Model. Explore indicators related to company bankruptcy and its effects, and calculate the probability of exposure to risk at a given time.

(3) LSTM-based model

Lstm deals with time-series data and make predictions about future steps of data. Which suit for us to predict a company’s data along time.

(4) Network analysis

External factors can influence a company greatly. In many cases, such external factors can be expressed through networks, such as supplynet, product net and compete net . Network analysis is a powerful tool helping us extracting useful information through external world and analysising the company’s position in the economic system.





(1) 找到一些与企业存亡紧密相关的关键指标,由这些指标(及其组合)定义企业的存活状态。也就是说当这些指标位于合适的取值区间时,认为企业状态良好,否则认为企业已经处于危机。










(4) 网络分析
